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New Year, New Website, New PTS

January 26, 2021

Welcome to PTS! We’ve been working hard this year to launch our new website! We hope you love it as much as we do! Who We Are I formed Pharmacy Technology Solutions (PTS) in 2015 to serve all segments of the Outpatient/Retail Pharmacy market. PTS represents a wide range of pharmacy technology firms that share two things in common: 1. A passion for helping their customers improve operational, financial, and/or clinical performance, and 2. They are widely recognized as best-of-class within their specific product area. Since launching in 2015, PTS has grown to include Caroline Wilson and Jack Wilson. Caroline specializes in clinical care programs, while Jack oversees our work in pharmacy automation. I consider myself incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to work side-by-side with my children in a business that I love. – John Wilson, President, Pharmacy Technology Solutions What We Do PTS is dedicated to helping our customers identify, assess, and realize opportunities to improve their pharmacy practice. In many cases, our customers choose to implement cutting-edge products, services, or systems that PTS represents. In some cases, our customers choose a different vendor or postpone decision making based upon competing priorities. Our overall goal is to help our customers make the best possible decision for their business. Whether you are looking to improve regulatory compliance, growth strategy, cost containment, clinical outcomes, or provide exceptional service to your patients, PTS has what you need. Markets We Serve PTS serves all retail pharmacy market segments. We understand that each market has different goals, priorities, and buying processes. We strive to guide our customers to the right technologies based upon their specific objectives and market segment. Is your focus on exceptional service and growth strategy, or are you looking for help with cost containment and regulatory compliance? Perhaps clinical outcomes are at the core of your facility. We have the solution and partner just for you! Browse the different market segments below. Hospitals & Health Systems Health Centers Retail Independent Pharmacies Chain Pharmacies Stay on the lookout for future blog posts on news, insights, tips and all things pharmacy technology related. And be sure to stay connected with us on social media! We look forward to working with you.
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